A few points on the loans in staking dapp that could be worth a look at.
  1. The c-ratio under the active borrows tab is not giving a live result like other variables on the dapp, and you need to refresh the entire browser page for that c-ratio to update. Simply going elsewhere on the dapp menu and coming back will still show an outdated c-ratio (chrome). This is an important live variable, since I believe there is no warning or margin for liquidation on these loans.
  2. When drawing or repaying on an existing loan, the UI dapp form does not give any indication of the proposed new c-ratio from the loaned token input field, it only shows the pre drawing c-ratio. I assume the 150% c-ratio limit applies to the actual contract? Would be handy to have a calculated ‘what-if’ c-ratio variable, so everyone doesn’t need to pull out a calculator to draw on a loan. Like the burn/mint info table for SNX staking. Or being able to input desired c-ratio and the UI auto filling the loaned token field.
  3. It would be really handy if you could draw/repay and deposit/withdraw in the same transaction/UI form, similarly when you take out a fresh loan, but adding onto an existing, while correcting desired c-ratio at the same time. It's a bit gas intense to have to do these singerly.
These are just a few things I’ve noticed since using the loans feature. I understand its brand new in the dapp. Only trying to give constructive user feedback xP