Hi, first of all i want to say that the synthetix protocol is an amazing CONCEPT. Sadly that's the only good thing i can say about the project as of right now. As of right now i evaluate staking SNX as a high risk, low reward. Here are the reasons why:
I noticed that the trading fee is 1% to buy and 0.3% to sell. If we ignore the gas fees which make this protocol unusable, the high exchange fees make sure it stays unusable. The fee must be 0.3% at most for both buys and sells. If you want to be competitive it must be 0.2% or lower.
Staking SNX carries an enormous amount of risk for a very low reward or no reward at all. The problem is that you must manage debt which means that you need to most likely engage in trading on the exchange which is incredibly risky. Not to mention that sometimes the synths are frozen for rebalancing and you may be stuck in a position for days or weeks.
The rewards are just paper rewards because they are locked for a whole year. That is if you are lucky enough to be even eligible for rewards because of the c ratio. There is no guarantee that the project will even exist a year from now and what the value of the token will be then.
Another thing about rewards is that if they are not claimed within the claiming period, you lose them. Rewards should stack to be claimed all at once whenever you wish. The gas fees are ridiculously high and very often they are higher than the rewards and it makes no sense to claim them. If you claim them then you cant even use them because of the lock period. So you need to spend a lot of money to claim rewards that you dont know if you will ever be able to use or what the value will be when they are available.
All these problems make this protocol unusable and it is doomed to fail. I do love the concept of this project and id love it to succeed but you need to rethink your entire execution and actually make a product that works.